The Marathon
26.2 miles! What am I crazy?!?!
I am four weeks into training so on Sunday I ran seven miles for the second time in my entire life. It's hard to believe that I will have to do that three times over. But the amazing thing is that it has not been that difficult - at least not yet. So far, I am really enjoying it. There are about 60 people in the Westside team so it is kind of fun.
I've been thinking a lot about Kim lately. I'm not sure if it is because I am running for her, but I really miss her. I think she would have loved the fact that I am living in LA, that I am running a marathon and that I am actually, really working in television.
I worked my very first day on a movie lot about two weeks ago. And I was thrilled. I loved walking past all the different sets; seeing grips with walkie-talkies and second AD's riding on golf carts and fake city streets and rows of actor's trailers. It was so much fun and I really wanted to share it with her. She would have been just as thrilled as I was. She was like that. She loved movies and I know that she would have been out here to visit me the minute she had a chance, so that she could see Hollywood.
No matter what the reason is that I have been thinking about her so much lately I'm glad I have decided to do this marathon. It somehow comforts me. I know, that's so strange. I'de like to think she knows I'm running for her.
I'll try to get pictures of the team to post. And you'll have to see how we run beside the ocean in Venice beach. I love it!