
Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Marathon

26.2 miles! What am I crazy?!?!

I am four weeks into training so on Sunday I ran seven miles for the second time in my entire life. It's hard to believe that I will have to do that three times over. But the amazing thing is that it has not been that difficult - at least not yet. So far, I am really enjoying it. There are about 60 people in the Westside team so it is kind of fun.

I've been thinking a lot about Kim lately. I'm not sure if it is because I am running for her, but I really miss her. I think she would have loved the fact that I am living in LA, that I am running a marathon and that I am actually, really working in television.

I worked my very first day on a movie lot about two weeks ago. And I was thrilled. I loved walking past all the different sets; seeing grips with walkie-talkies and second AD's riding on golf carts and fake city streets and rows of actor's trailers. It was so much fun and I really wanted to share it with her. She would have been just as thrilled as I was. She was like that. She loved movies and I know that she would have been out here to visit me the minute she had a chance, so that she could see Hollywood.

No matter what the reason is that I have been thinking about her so much lately I'm glad I have decided to do this marathon. It somehow comforts me. I know, that's so strange. I'de like to think she knows I'm running for her.

I'll try to get pictures of the team to post. And you'll have to see how we run beside the ocean in Venice beach. I love it!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lovin' LA

I know that it has been a long time and I should probably write about what is going on with me. And as soon as I have the time I will do that...but for now, I just had to share this. It's hilarious! You'll love it!


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pictures from Mexico!

Zacatecas, Mexico was beautiful. My friend Heidi and I spent the last two weeks here, making a documentary for Operation Mobilization.

My girls. Love them.

This is Victor -- awesome guy from LA. Hopefully, one of my new best friends since I am moving there in ONE MONTH! AHHH!!!

Esteban -- one of the guys we followed for the documentary. Destined to be a world leader!

He's teaching David (American) how to make balloon animals. Like I leader!

This guy sings like an angel (I'm sure there are angels that can rock like Bono) and I got a personal concert in the back of a Mexican taxi along with six friends (yes, all in a taxi the size of a geo metro).

The Palabre de Vida team with some kids from the neighborhood.

Heidi and Obed in the back of Obed's truck. It was in this truck that I was first introduced to Vico C, a Puerto Rican Christian rapper that I now have come to love.

I was actually on the Doulos with this guy, Jonathan. Since then he has gotten (oh yeah, I said gotten) himself a wife and the most beautiful daughter named Shihe.

Dylan and Ami. Clown and mime. We followed Dylan as part of the documentary, the poor guy had everything go wrong for him -- he got sick, he didn't have a translator half the time and he missed home. He was a good sport though (made for a great movie too:)!

Looking for an American girl.

A clothes line...OK, I thought it looked cool.

This is Isai. I held a sort of succesful conversation in Espanol with this guy for THREE HOURS!!! We talked about our favorite movies and music and I only said "No comprendo", fifteen times!

Cute kids! Don't know them.

Pretty door. Don't know who's it is.

Climbed it! All 365 steps.

This picture of Mary was part of a Catholic celebration that took place in the streets in front of someone's home. They had food and dancing and the entire neighborhood showed up.

Esteban, Julia and David doing door to door.

My team.

Obed. One of my favorite Mexicans. This guy took us everywhere we needed to go and gave us a tour of his city. Good times!

There were literally cows walking in the street!

Also a great singer, usually sings without the clown get up.

Pachuka, Mexico.

Open air. Daniel and Susan.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Great Quote

"Dare yourself to believe in your creativity, wherever it may lead you. Trust that where it leads is exactly where you're supposed to be. Your authentic self knows where you're headed. Don't wrestle with Spirit. Collaborate with it."

— Sarah Ban Breathnach

Monday, April 03, 2006

My niece's great plan

Ok, so I started this thing in a time of "transition" so I have not written very much. But, alas, I have found time to write and as I sign on I see that I had started a story about my niece months ago...It's about time I published it.

My niece, Kelsey, is very smart. And, she has recently become one of the millions of devastated three-year-olds all over the world who have been thrown from the center of attention and now stand on the outside looking in at a brand new baby sister named Caitlyn. Everyone pattted my three-year-old niece on the head when the baby was born and asked her if she was happy to be a big sister. She didn't answer at first. She would only stare blankly back at you with her blue eyes opened wide and her tiny little mouth shaped in a perfect O.

But as the weeks drug on Kelsey discovered that being a "big sister" stinks. Suddenly, her mom had to feed the baby and change the baby and burp the baby and rock the baby and her mother's entire day was filled with nothing but the baby. And just as she figured out how awful big sisterhood really was -- everyone had stopped asking her how she felt.

Everyone oohed and awed over those tiny little hands and those tiny little feet. And everyone gasped at the sight of those tiny blue eyes on the rare occasion that they were open. Each person studied Caitlyn's little features to discover who she might look like. My niece couldn't make sense of it. This baby girl didn't look like anyone...least of all HER, which is what she heard her nana say to her mom.

So, being the smart little girl that she is, Kelsey came up with a great plan. She decided to wait for the perfect time to put her plan to action.

That perfect time came when my sister had taken both girls shopping. The baby girl wanted to eat and that meant that the baby must eat right away. My niece had to wait, her own stomach rumbling and her mother telling her that she can't have the last of her sweettarts before lunch. She sat there pouting, crying from time to time so that her mom would not forget she was unhappy about the whole situation. Then it happened -- the moment she had been waiting for. The baby girl pooped. But it was not just any kind of poop because that would not have been special at, this was projectile poop and it covered her mom from head to toe. Her mom was, of course, completely grossed out. But what can you do? The baby girl is, afterall, only three weeks old. So, she cleaned it up as well as she could with a pile of wipes and they headed home.

"That was gross, mom" Kelsey said. "Yes it was." she agreed.

After a few moments my niece took a deep breath. "We should take her to the doctor..."
Her mom was so proud. Kelsey was acting concerned for Caitlyn and my sister started to say something when...

My niece looked at her mom in the rear view mirror and said, "We could leave her there and get a dog."

Shocked and at the same time amused, my sister replied, "But mommy loves Caitlyn."

"Yeah but I like dogs," my niece said simply.

My sister did not reply and my niece knew that the argument was over. She looked at that baby girl sitting in the car seat beside hers. The car seat that used to BE hers. And she knew that it was inevitable that the baby girl would be a part of their life forever.

Later my niece explained to me that they had to keep Caitlyn. She simply stated with a sigh, "Mom loves her."
I told her, "Maybe one day you'll love her too." With that, she ran to her toys tired of talking about the baby girl and wishing that life would just go back to normal.